Diabetes Free SC - Homepage

Winning the Fight Against Diabetes.

Diabetes Free SC aims to align actions against diabetes and engage South Carolinians to live healthier lives.

Impact-Driven Initiatives

We're tackling diabetes head-on with help from community-minded innovators across the state.

We address health inequities and reduce the impact of diabetes and its complications across the state.

Over 500,000 adults in South Carolina have been diagnosed with diabetes, including 16 percent of Black adults and 11 percent of white adults. Another 120,000 people have diabetes but are unaware. And 1.4 million have prediabetes. In all, that's over half the population of the state. All communities are affected, but there are significant disparities in diabetes prevalence, and in access to prevention and care. 

The numbers are staggering — but they're not set in stone. That's why we're connecting with organizations and aligning efforts across the Palmetto State to address this public health crisis. 

Strategic Directions

Featured Grant Recipient

FoodShare SC

Good, healthy food for all — that’s the mission of FoodShare SC. With support from Diabetes Free SC, this organization is expanding its efforts to ensure access to fresh produce.

People sometimes have a fatalistic view of a diabetes diagnosis. The fact is, today, there are all kinds of things you can do about it.

Dr. Timothy J. Lyons, Executive Medical Director, Diabetes Free SC

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